Sunday, September 25, 2011

General Women's Conference

I was able to get two tickets from my ward for the General Women's Conference so I decided to take my mom.  We took the Front Runner and Tracks for my 1st time ever.  That was quite the adventure! It worked out great and we made it there and home in one piece.  Elder Uchtdorf spoke along with the Relief Society presidency and they were all great talks.  I especially liked Elder Uchtdorf's.  He made the talk around the Forget Me Not flower that he has always loved.  He talked about 5 things in life to not forget about each representing a peddle of the flower.  The one that really stuck out the me was to not forget to be HAPPY now.  Don't wait for something that hasn't happened to make you happy.  I find myself saying that after this or that then I can do this and it will make my life happier.  I need to be grateful and enjoy what I have in life currently and not wait for something that will come.  After the conference we walked over and ate at the Blue Iguana.  I LOVE their Mexican food! I ate way to much and was in pain after but it was worth it.
A couple cute pics of Hayden my nephew! He is so adorable and crawling all over the place, pulling himself up on things and trying to walk way to soon.  I tried to get a smile because he smiles all the time but no luck.


  1. The picture of you and your mom is SO cute! I love the temple in the background and the lighting is perfect! Way cool!

  2. That is SUCH a great message! It is too sad when people wish away their days waiting for better ones ahead. I feel that the more humble and grateful we are for what we have.... those are the times we are blessed unexpectedly!

    You look really cute (as always).... and I love Blue Iguana!
