Sunday, May 23, 2010

1st Church Calling

Today I was stopped in the hall at church and asked to come meet with one of the counselors in the bishopric.  I said I could and had the most nervous feeling I would be getting a calling.  I have NEVER held a calling in church.  Of course I go and I am asked to help in the NURSERY every other week!  18 mo - 3 year old toddlers here I come ;)


  1. YAY! Good luck! Gracie LOVES nursery! She screams bloody murder when we pick her up haha. I think you'll like it.

  2. Nursery is the best!. You get snacks in church every Sunday!. Not to mention you don't have to sit through boring Sunday School and Relief Society, you get to play w/ toys and chat with the other nursery ladies. I am jealous of you...

  3. You will be amazing! You're so sweet they will love you. :)
